The Best Way That You Can Change The World

Right now, our world is experiencing a lot of change. 


Everywhere you go, people are asking for help. 


Because many people mistakenly believed that their condition is static. They believe that their perfect job, life, income and schedule would remain intact until they decide to change it. 

Now that they’ve been forced into a new reality, many people are feeling like they are in a tailspin and they don’t know how to get out. 

So, they’re asking for help. 

I’ve never seen Facebook groups grow as fast as they are growing now.

If (and yes this is a BIG if) the groups are focused purely on service (aka helping others). It’s like there is a magic spell and people are flocking to these help groups right now…

Or is there?

I believe that yes, there is a heightened sense of worry and pain for many people. It’s sad to see this. 

But I also know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a huge part of the massive growth many leaders are experiencing is something more important. 

Growth occurs because many leaders who had lost focus on who they were supposed to serve, have seen the light. 

They understand in a much clearer way that their calling here on earth is to show up and serve.



With clear messaging like “What do you need help with right now?” It’s easy for those in need to raise their hand and say “I need help with ______”. 

Ryan Levesque wrote a book a few years ago called Ask

It has this “new” concept:

Ask your audience what they need and then deliver it. 

Ryan’s book is amazing, and he really digs into how to serve your audience at the highest level.

When I said “new” above, I wasn’t poking fun at Ryan’s book, it’s outstanding and he has a servant’s heart. 

I was poking fun at all of us (including me).

We sometimes forget our real purpose when the sun is shining and the dollars are falling into our bank accounts. 

Our purpose is to simply ask, “How may I be of service to you?”

Our job is to serve.

When we realign our heads and hearts into this path, then the potential for impact goes from low to infinite. 

So today, I’m going to ask you for help.

I need help to get the word out about what entrepreneurship really is (servant leadership). 

Stop and reply to me and tell me that you’re here on earth to help. 

Tell me how you’re going to help today. 

Help me make this world a better place.

You and I won’t regret that choice. 


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