Hey, What Did…

I have to ask a SUPER important question for you.

What did you do for Labor Day?

Hey, don’t laugh. It really is a super important question.

I want to know.

You can learn a lot about a person by how they spend their holidays, and I want to build our relationship.

So help me out.

Reply to this email with how you enjoyed the day, or book a call with me.

I want to know all about it, %FIRSTNAME%.

With that said…

There is something else that I want to share with you today.

It’s a little-known formula.

But it’ll take you far.

Effectiveness over vanity metrics


Continuous improvement




The latest episode of The Engine Builder’s Show is based on that formula, and I’m telling you now…

You need to check it out.

I’m really proud of it, and I know that it’ll help you succeed in the future.

The episode is about 10 minutes long, and it’s the perfect way to jumpstart your short week.

If you listen to me and watch it, you’re welcome to contact me with any questions.

I’d love to hear from you and continue building our relationship.

Oh, and by the way…

Just between us, I have something special to share with you later this week.

So keep an eye out for that.

I’ll make sure you’re among the first to hear about it.


To your success,


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