You’re Missing Out on This…

Did you know externalizing what you believe will enhance how you and your team show up for work?

I swear.

I learned that from a friend a couple of years ago.

And when I first heard the idea, I was interested– but also confused as hell.

… For two reasons.

First off, I had no clue how to externalize those beliefs.

Was I meant to do a show and give a presentation on them like I was in 2nd grade, or what?

Secondly, I still didn’t quite understand how doing so would help anything.

But luckily…

I put my confusion aside for a moment and trusted my friend.

And to capture my principles, I did what was natural for me…

I wrote them out in a document and shared that with my team.

Soon, I learned how right my friend was.

With my guiding principles laid out in front of my team, they could all see the motivating factors behind each decision I made…

Basically, they knew the why behind everything.

That drastically enhanced trust between us, and it also had another benefit…

They could use those principles as their guide as well.

Let me give you an example.

Picture a team member here at Business Marketing Engine

That team member is stuck between going above and beyond for a client or calling it early and saying, “Good enough.”

Ordinarily, they may sway back and forth, then go with their gut.

However, because of my guiding principles, now our guiding principles, they have another option.

They can review our number one guiding principle— Relationships First.

That principle explains that we believe relationships are more important than money.

We show up and give our best work to all those around us.

We listen first and then serve.

With that principle fresh in their mind, they can make the right choice— Go above and beyond.

Aside from that, the guiding principles also hold me accountable.

Even when I’m frustrated and would rather say, “Screw it,” those principles remind me to do what I believe is best.

They help me put my momentary emotions aside and focus on serving my clients for the long haul.

So this email is your wake-up call…

I want you to think about your guiding principles and share them with your team and clients.

Help them understand you and make better decisions in the future…

If you need more help getting everything right, don’t worry.

I won’t leave you to sort out your confusion alone.

You can book a call with me and my team, and we’ll help you align everything.

And for a little bonus XPyou can check here.

(That link will bring you to the most recent episode of The Engine Builder’s Show. We’ll be talking about this exact topic all week.)

I hope to see you there.


To your success,



P.S. Are you still looking for marketing help?

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