This Isn’t Working

As January comes to a close, you’re probably evaluating how successful your marketing has been in 2022 so far. (At least, if you’re anything like me you are.)

You might have had a ton of marketing ideas already. A sh*t ton, to be exact.

But are they working? Are they accomplishing what you intended for them to accomplish?

Sometimes, marketing ideas just don’t stick.

Why is that? How can you fix it?

Let’s start with the simplest (but most effective) step.

You gotta get to know your audience.

You have to know who they are, their fears, their goals, what they’re interested in– if you don’t, you’re not going to know how you can solve their problems.

You’re not going to know how to market those solutions for those problems.

So, get to know them on an intimate level. Find out “who they want to be when they grow up,” so to speak.

Once you know what problems your audience is trying to solve, it becomes a hell of a lot easier to position yourself in such a way that you show up as one of the best people who can solve them.

The easiest way to do this might seem obvious, but I’ll lay it out anyway:

Just have consistent conversations with your audience– and believe me when I use the word consistent.

I know, I know; I harp on a lot about consistency.

But I have to practice what I preach, right?

Consistency is key. It always has been, and it always will be– especially when it comes to marketing.

Other than fully engaging in those consistent customer conversations, you can also figure out what problems your audience is trying to solve by surveying them.

At BME, my team and I help our clients do that in our 12-month blueprints. And let me tell you: It works. For real. You get a way better understanding of the language your audience uses. And I think we all know that language is a massive part of your marketing success.

Next, you want to be brave when you’re trying to get your marketing ideas to stick. You have to try new things, even if you’re a little unsure.

Think of Red Bull.

Back in 2012, Red Bull sponsored a skydiver as he live-streamed his 39-kilometer freefall from space.

This was insane. It was groundbreaking. It turned out to be the most-viewed live stream in the world.

And despite Red Bull’s claims that it wasn’t a marketing campaign, that’s exactly what it was. It led to a 7 percent increase in sales in the following 6 months, too.

Red Bull was able to effectively stop people in their tracks and get them to notice their brand even more than they did before. That’s the power of brave and inventive marketing.

But it’s not the only way you can get your marketing to work.

When you’re really stuck with your marketing ideas, your ideas aren’t gonna stick. You can count on that, time and again.

That’s what brings me to my last point today:

Ask for help when you need it. Bring in an agency or a consultant for a fresh perspective.

Sometimes, you’re too close to the source. You’re too invested in your business to see what you really need.

Sometimes, the ideas you come up with don’t align with your audience– and that can only lead to damaging your brand.

So, do you need that fresh perspective? Do you need outside help so you end up with marketing ideas that stick every time?

That’s why I’m here.

Reach out to my team and me, even if you just want to learn more about what we have to offer:


To your success,



P.S. I get that you might be struggling with some other aspects of marketing too.

You might have super effective marketing ideas that land with your audience over and over.

Your struggles might be more related to an ineffective marketing strategy, positioning yourself in a hyper-competitive market, or standing out on social media.

I talk about all those things and more on my daily podcast, M-F at 8:15 a.m. ET.

If you have 10 spare minutes every morning, you can tune in here:

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