There are no shortcuts, buy more shovels

You’re going to face a lot of challenges as an entrepreneur.

There will be days when things don’t go as planned.

There will also be days where it feels like all the sh*t is burning to the ground around you.

While you may feel that way, the truth is that as entrepreneurs, we have to manage what’s inside our head as much as we have to manage what’s outside our head.

I’ve learned (slowly and sometimes painfully) that there are no shortcuts.

We have to face our work.

We have to get the idea of “shortcuts” out of our heads and start realizing that the fastest way to win is to get to work.

You can (and should at times) buy more shovels though.

Digging your way out is really the best way to go because you’ll learn a ton along the way.

And sometimes, buying extra shovels means you get more help.

Getting more help looks like this:

– Hiring a consultant

– Bringing in a new vendor to outsource to

– Growing your team

– Buying applicable training

– And there many other options (shovels) we can buy

What’s foolish is thinking that we can just think our way out of problems.

More often, we need to take action and try new things until we find the right solution.

So today…

…Or the next day when you feel overwhelmed:

Just remember there are no shortcuts.

Just do the work.

Buy more shovels.

And remember to give yourself grace along the way.

This entrepreneurial journey is long and hard some days, so settle in, choose gratitude, and you’ll end up winning.

To your success,


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