
We don’t always feel like doing what is required to be successful.

Therefore we cannot solely rely on any positive emotions and “passion” to fuel our businesses long-term toward success.

Success requires that we keep showing up regardless of how we feel.

It requires that we put in the work on the days we feel like sh*t.

It requires mental toughness and humility.

It requires massive amounts of emotional regulation (and probably therapy too in my experience lol).

It requires that we build, protect, and adapt our life’s structures and habits in a dynamic yet strong way.

True sustainable success is attainable but it is also difficult, boring and arduous to say the least.

I’m not comfortable with the popular myth of entrepreneurship being full of flashy watches, cars and babes.

That imagery and message are embedded in a substantial amount of the marketing we see about entrepreneurship.

And… I believe that it’s a total lie.

While you can achieve those things, odds are they won’t matter that much when you get them. Or they won’t last if you chase them too early in your journey.

I love enjoying the good life and do feel blessed to be able to experience luxury and beauty quite frequently.

However — in my experience luxury is not necessarily a driver or indicator of success. It’s simply a bonus that is available yet optional for those who have put in the time to be successful.

With that said, I also believe that it’s important to practice a high level of self-care to maintain long-term success. So investing in your comfort and health at a high level is often a worthy investment (as long as your revenue is stable and you’re profitable and can justify the upgrades you give yourself).

For example: flying first class is something that can have a massive impact on your bottom line. I would encourage you to not wait too long to enjoy the fruits of your success.

Otherwise — what’s the point of chasing success?

We should enjoy the journey as we walk the path.

Master the daily march and success will be nearly inevitable.

And on those days where you feel like you crushed it and knocked it out of the park (like I feel today):

Celebrate your wins!

While we shouldn’t aim to fuel our success with only the highs of the good days, we can and should enjoy the hell out of our best days as entrepreneurs.

They are gifts of joy for us to capitalize on.

And one more thing I’ve observed about entrepreneurs is that we could all get better at truly being present and enjoying our wins!

So I’d encourage you to practice celebrating more wins in your life and business my friend.

To your long term and joyful success,


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