Why Your Emails FLOP

I’ve been in business for a long time.

Over 20 years.

And during my career, I’ve noticed that many fellow business owners and entrepreneurs often overlook three massive traffic sources.

The first is email marketing as a whole.

People left and right assume email marketing is dead.

But it’s not.

In reality, you may just believe that because you’re failing to give email marketing what it needs to be successful…

– Several high-quality lists allowing you to target specific audiences

– Frequent emails, like you’re staying in touch with family

– Interesting and entertaining content that adds value

If you consistently do all three of those things, your email marketing will come to life.

You’ll have a consistent flow of warm traffic that you can control and use to boost your business.

The second is an extension of your emails…

Super signatures.

Super signatures allow you to send a link to your latest project or most important webpage with every email.

The link could also be to a video you think is important or even a contact page.

…Anything you want your audience to visit. It’s a simple way to boost traffic to one destination.

The next one I will tell you about is a complete departure from the last two.

But before that, I think it’s a good time to give you the link to book a call with me and my team at Business Marketing Engine.

We help many of our clients develop and release high-quality emails that drive traffic to their destinations.

If you’d like to learn more about that, book a call.


The third thing source of traffic that people overlook is traditional radio.

People still listen to the radio, whether kids like to believe it or not.

And in most cases, radio ads drive high engagement and brand recognition, sending people straight to your website.

If you decide to give it a shot, look into an agency.

Contacting a station will cost you a pretty penny… And there’s no need to drop that much money on it.

Another way that you can utilize radio advertising is through podcasts and similar things.

Nowadays, there’s a new podcast every day.

And if you can find the right one, they’ll often promote your business.


That’s all I have for today.

But I hope these tips have helped make your Tuesday good.

If you need help with anything I spoke about today or are just interested in learning more about how Business Marketing Engine works, click the link below to book a call.

Book a call.


To your success,


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