2,000% More Organic Traffic With These Steps…

Do you want more organic traffic?


You’ll want to read this email.

My team and I grew a client’s organic traffic by 2,000 percent.

And I’m going to share how we did it.

But FYI, this isn’t some trendy “hack.”

Our results came from a tried and true approach— in other words, what I’m going to share actually works.

And to make sure you can use this approach yourself, I’ll give you two options to continue.

A. Book a call with me and my team so how we can help you.


B. Scroll on, read the rest of this email and make the best of it.

Whatever you choose is fine.

I just want you to have the support you need.

For those of you who are sticking around…

Let’s not waste anymore of this Tuesday.

The first step in our approach is deep market research— specifically targeting the heart of your ideal audience.

Even the most straightforward Google search has dozens of deeper questions behind it.

If you can understand those questions, you’re one step closer to capturing organic traffic in a bottle.

For instance, when someone types, “How do I get higher revenue?”

A deeper question may be, “How do I get the revenue to hire more team members?”

Or… “How do I boost revenue as a small landscaping business?”

The deeper the question, the fewer results on Google, making it a good opportunity for you.

So don’t just sit there.

Do some research.

Discover the deeper meanings.

And then, move on to the next step— create consistent, high-quality content that helps your audience.

By creating high-quality content, you’re instantly doing several things:

1. You’re proving to your audience that you’re worthy of their attention and trust.

2. You’re convincing Google to show your content on search results more often.

You may say, “I understand how that would help my audience, but why does Google care so much?”

Well, say what you will about Google, but they care about good results.

They want their searchers to find what they need.

So when they see one person click on your article and spend some time on it from an organic search…

They think, “Hey, maybe we should show this article to other searchers.”

Then… Boom.

You have more eyes looking at your content than ever before.

That means there’s a higher chance someone will go beyond and reach for a product or service.

And while you create your content, consider your consistency.

For the best results, you must pump out at least one piece of content daily.

After that, organize everything into categories.


I want you to picture a bookstore for a second…

Do you know what they always have at the top of the bookshelves?

Categories: Fiction, nonfiction, historical, science fiction and so on.

You need to replicate that on your website.

The more categories you have on your website, the more branches within your audience you’ll reach and help.

Google will also clock your categories and register your website as a great resource.

Now, just with these three steps, your organic traffic will explode.

But if you’d like to go a step further, I can help you.

Or should I say that my team and I can help you?

At Business Marketing Engine, we help all of our clients apply these steps and more to boost their traffic.

And we can help you, too.

We can even create high-quality SEO content that helps your audience and makes Google fangirl over your website.

If you want to learn more, we can talk about it in an introduction call, or you can check out all of our services here.

The choice is yours.

(I hope that I’ll hear from you soon, though.)


To your success,


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